
Showcase of my recent work and contributions

Portfolio Website

A responsive portfolio website built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML CSS Javascript

This project will showcase my skills in front-end development, modern responsive design, and modern CSS techniques. Features include smooth transition animations, a mobile-friendly approach, and future accessibility considerations.

GitHub Repository

Password Strength Checker

A simple application written in Bash script that evaluates the strength of a given password based on various criteria.

Bash Security Command-line
In Collaboration with Michael Rodriguez

This collaborative project demonstrates our proficiency in Bash scripting and understanding of basic security principles. The bash script will analyze passwords for length, uses of different characters, and common patterns to provide a strength rating.

Key features:

  • The application will check the password length
  • It will verify the use of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters
  • Provides a strength score and recommendation
  • Implements best practices for secure password handling

My contributions:

  • Implemented the regex check patterns
  • Collaborated on security best practices implementation

GitHub Repository

Simple Sketch

A simple, minimalistic drawing application with download function, color wheel, redo and undo features, clear button, built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML5 CSS Javascript

This project showcases my ability to build a simple, minimalistic drawing application with download function, color wheel, redo and undo features, clear button, all built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

GitHub Repository

Easy Calculator

A hypersimple, minimalistic calculator application designed with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. Designed with Apple Human Interface Guidelines in mind.

HTML5 CSS Javascript

This project will showcase my ability to build a simple, minimalistic calculator, and also keeping the stylesheet in line with Apple Human Interface Guidelines.

GitHub Repository